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6/13/2005 - 7:38 p.m.

So, big changes. A new apartment. A new city. Eventually, a new job.

I can't get over the angst of the old job yet, though. Mainly because I still have to ride out the two weeks' notice I gave.

And yet, that final day is getting closer. I asked myself why I'd hated this job so much. There was the fact that it was in no way what I wanted to be doing. And then there was the fact that my duties were never clearly defined - so you had no objective way of knowing whether you were doing a good job or a bad job.

At some point, you end up having to cultivate a little co-dependence - doing anything for anyone who asks, because, hey, that might actually be your job. And then you get stuck catering to a couple guys who are impossibly helpless, and think if you don't bail them out of their cluelessness, you're impolite.

Maybe it was a good thing - learning to walk away from that politeness. Sorry, no - you've abused the privilege...

I started to say that I don't regret a single second of time I wasted on the job, not a single hostile remark I made. I think what bothers me most is that no one - no one - ever validated my misery.

Well, I did.

When I found a new job, and said good-bye.

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