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08/14/22 - 7:58 a.m.

I woke up feeling great. Well-rested, with that euphoria you get after long, rambling dreams. Ah, morning.

And I decided to try to look for a more comforting way to remember our cat....

If you're feeling some one-ness with the universe, you can tell yourself that the cat is a part of that one-ness. I'd said out loud to her that she'd always be in our hearts. And the world keeps on turning, clouds floating by...

And the cat remains loved.

I've been telling people that I decided to become a friend to all cats, from that day on. And at some point this morning, I did find that more comforting way of remembering her. That a majestic wild stallion needs to run in the field. And if it's not able to run anymore -- well, it's supposed to be a majestic wild stallion that runs in the field.

The vet tried to tell us that the cat wasn't eating and drinking normally. And that's not the majestic life of a cat -- not the nature of things. And we brought her bad days to an end. Nothing but good days for our kitty cat.

I'll take care of you, always....

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