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03/23/07 - 3:40 p.m.

A victory. I get depressed, and then try to distract myself. But today I remembered -- the mature way to handle that is to stop and try to figure out why you're depressed.

It's pretty obvious. A friend of mine never called to hear my big news. And I really wanted to talk about it. So I Was disappointed. And thought they weren't a very good friend. And then thought about crossing them off the list.

But there could be a physiological component too. I'm really tired. I didn't get to sleep until really late last night.

So then I was depressed, even before I told my friend I was disappointed they hadn't called (and then got a half-assed, defensive response). Maybe this is a bad day to be sorting this out.

I ordered Chinese food. It's expensive, but I'm wondering if I'm just having a sugar low, and need more carbohydrates.

At least I'm trying.

Or am I ignoring the reasons I'm depressed again.

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