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09/05/05 - 11:31 p.m.

So it's the end of the three-day weekend.

I'm so bad about using my time on the weekends...

At least this weekend, I had a date. A real date. I was seriously interested in the woman...

I think that's where the weekend got away from me. I wanted to see her again. I was in that post-date holding pattern. My other friend cancelled on me Sunday. I ended up with two days with nothing to do.

We talked on the phone. I sent her an email. I thought about her.

I've been kind of a classic "lonely guy" over the years. Maybe the first step out of that involves recognizing the pain of that loneliness.

Anyways, it was kind of crummy weekend. I sat around, depressed, and - not for the first time - wondered why.

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