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10/12/17 - 6:15 p.m.

Today was frustrating. I couldn't find that credit card the bank sent me. I looked where it was supposed to be -- and then in all the piles of stuff around it. At some point I found another credit card. Is this it -- and it's just that the numbers are just different because of some clerical mistake? I called my bank, but it was 27 minutes after 5:00 so no one was there to take the call.

So after all this searching, I have nothing to show for it -- other than I'm pretty sure I can't find the card no matter how much I look now, so I guess I've confirmed that it's time to just have them send out a replacement credit card. But that just leaves this hanging over my head for next time -- a credit card that I can't actually use, and will probably never be able to use until some long wait-for-two-weeks-and-check-your-mail process. My worry is that by the time I do want to use the card, maybe I won't be able to find it again. (And wouldn't it be funny if they just have the credit card number wrong in my online account?

Anyways, this is one of those weird corner cases you have to sort out with a live operator. So definitely not tonight.

Can't seem to let go of the frustration, though.

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