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01/24/16 - 4:17 p.m.

My girlfriend. Oy...

*sigh* If you accept that she has an emotional problem, and that other people can prey on it, then it's really not her fault that she believed what that fake psychic told her. It's kind of sad. I just wish I could get her out of harm's way...

I think it started with money. She hated her job, but she didn't feel like she could quit, because she already owed so much money to the credit card company. And how would she pay her rent on our big two-person apartment in a not-inexpensive city?

So if I really care about her, I need to step up. If money is causing a real emotional problem, maybe I should try to find a way to lift that burden. I think I'm going to tell her that we'll move to an apartment that's half as much as our current place. And then I'll pay what I'm paying now, but she won't pay anything. And then she won't have that big money worry hanging over her head - and hopefully that will help.

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