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05/19/15 - 11:05 a.m.

I try to be kind. I was thinking that today. An article about self esteem suggested re-thinking the way you view yourself. And I do think I have a blossoming kindness now. So there's that...

I try to be kind to strangers. And I really put myself out there with my cat, who's peremptory but at least soft and occasionally cuddly. I check in on my girlfriend -- who, honestly, isn't always receptive because she's got some really deep stuff going on. But I'm not a pushover. Once when a whole roomful of people disagreed with me, I kindly and deferentially stood my ground.

Of course, other people are kind too. We went on a road trip -- my girlfriend and I -- and I was struck with just how kind everyone is once you leave the big city. Maybe that's why I like driving up the highway. Anyways, there is kindness in the world, and kindness in me.

I told someone if you are kind, you also start to feel that the world's a kinder place, too. It's probably good to contemplate kindness.

Working on it...

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