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09/01/11 - 1:18 p.m.

I was having a good day. And then I looked at the potted plants on our balcony. It reminded me that I sometimes stare out at the town. And then it caught up to me - the stress of living in that new town...

We're supposed to be moving away at some undetermined date in the future - just as soon as my girlfriend gets a new work-type thing going on. I've been using that as an excuse to ignore the town altogether. And this weekend, we even went away for a nice little vacation.

I took a nap when we came back, watched a movie, read a book, wrote a blog post, sent some important e-mails, made some important phone calls, and wrote some more blog posts. Somewhere in there was a party, and it all kept my momentum going. I slept well, and woke up feeling great. I was energized to get some work done.

I need to integrate this with where I'm at. Part of the problem is there was a time when I used to view this city one way -- as the future home which I must find a way to like -- when it's now almost irrelevant. Almost. I think "old" thinking gets triggered when, for example, I look at the potted plants. Maybe I should just never look back.

Never, ever, look back...

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