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02/05/07 - 7:32 p.m.

I guess you could argue I'm worried because I screwed around all day, and I'm not sure what to put on my timesheet. But the project did bog down, and it wasn't my fault -- the meeting was re-scheduled, then cancelled, and then the followup was cancelled.

They're not giving me the benefit of a doubt because they caught me screwing around last time. I said I was going to buckle down. But by the time I'd stayed up until 1:30 on Sunday, it was pre-ordained that I'd be tired on Monday. And I was. And I figured I'd hit a boost of productivity in the afternoon, but then the meeting was cancelled, so I couldn't move forward at all. So I had nothing to show for Monday.

I do worry about it. I'm on the web right now looking for a new job. I wish I could just get paid to play on the web.

It's a.) a surreally bad situation b.) I was not as pro-active as I could've been c.) They aren't "managing" me very well - both in setting up my work and in dealing with whatever questions they have about me. Or is that unfair. Am I blaming them for my own stuff?

Bah. Work is stupid.

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