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12/08/03 - 9:33 p.m.

I felt great Sunday. A friend visited. Friends are good...

So today I ran around, feeling all Christmas-y. But maybe too Christmas-y. I bought alot of Christmas music, and some of it is awful.

I had an idea for a new web project. I probably won't link to it from this diary, but it's fun to talk about here...

See, I never know what I'm going to feel like doing tomorrow. So alot of my projects just disappear. This would be a web site about Christmas. Because I'm just so revved up on Christmas right now.

Maybe I'm just revved up because I have a friend. It was good to hang out. Somehow I've gotten out of the habit.

I feel like I'm getting over alot of bad habits I had when I was younger. Maybe letting my friends slide was one of them...

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