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6/09/02 - 3:14 p.m.

I feel great today. I spent some "quality time" updating my web project. Got emails from several friends. And it's sunny outside. I'm wondering if I should try enjoying a leisurely afternoon drive...

Or, just stay home and watch Sunday night TV.

There was also a movie I'd wanted to rent this weekend, but I may have to save it for some other time.

Also could use a nice warm bath.

So many good things in life. Little things. Yummy chocolate bars. Freak bursts of popularity. Sweet dreams and sleeping late.

Yeah, I was kind of down Saturday. I felt like a friend's girlfriend snubbed me when we accidentally met. Went off my low-carb diet, and then felt that plummet of depression. Not out of control, but down enough to make me waste Saturday afternoon playing online games. Sucking up a big chunk of the weekend. Down enough to give up and go to bed early.

But as often happens, I woke up feeling better. Today, like yesterday, has been sunshiney.

But today, I appreciate it.

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