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4/03/02 - 3:16 p.m.

Lady Friend called this afternoon.

In fact, the phone kept ringing. A good friend who never calls also called -- and there was yet another phone call again with good news about my health insurance. There was even an email about the important contract gig next week -- and I found a few more jobs to apply for.

But her voice. It's like Lady Friend has an automatic warmth and affirmation, building me up as I'm listening to her. Maybe that's why it bothers me so much when I don't hear from her. It's good for me.

I'm taking that vacation in a few days, too. I'm looking forward to the free time by myself. That should help me feel better, too.

So things are good. It's funny how it never rains, but it pours. But the truth is you work at things -- and eventually, they really do get better.

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