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2/08/02 - 10:58 a.m.

One mailing list didn't like my joke. At all. Another one didn't like the URL for a political piece I forwarded.

So I went to the library. Saw an article in a business magazine describing stock market performances. Thought of how much money I'd taken out of my savings. Got depressed.

Went to the bookstore and browsed books about depression. Decided generalizations aren't helpful. ("Men are GRANDIOSE. This leads to DEPRESSION....") Rented a movie. Came home. In the rain. Did not watch movie...

Strangely, I heard Elvis Presley's "Hound Dog" playing, and felt happier. Watched TV -- an hour of sitcom re-runs, then two hours of "CSI" and a documentary on PBS. Fell asleep at a reasonably decent hour.

Had a dream. Female friend. Hugging, laughing -- and then I woke up. Felt happy. Lying in bed in the dark cold too-early morning. Remembered depressions past. Do I need to remember them to forget them?

Returned to mailing list to defend my position.

Told female friend she appeared in dream.

Am going to take a walk for exercise and sunshine.

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